Club Championships 2020

This year, as for last, the Club Championships were held over a single weekend – 28th-31st August.  The weather was cold and rather damp on the Friday night, Saturday and Sunday for all the rounds and it was rather remarkable that all but one of the qualifying matches...

Club Championships 2019

Under glorious blue skies, this year’s championships were held over a single weekend for the first time on 29/30 June. Paul Hope brilliantly organised the event using the fast-four format (thanks Paul) and the junior section were admirably represented by Rico, Seb,...
2019 Summer League Results

2019 Summer League Results

Summer League Results are in! Team Tennis competitions: The 8Us, 10Us A and B teams, 12U girls and 14U boys all WON their divisions. The 9U, 12U boys, 16U boys and 18U boys all came 3rd. Congratulations! Our men’s team playing in Division 1 came top again this year...